Lately I have not been feeling so Hot.. My eyes hurt.. I cant feel my toes.. My hands and toes are turning blue ( I always did enjoy SMURFS when I was little ;) ) Im missing my family.. and Rizzo still isn't potty trained.. Im tired and want to move home. I complan and whine SO MUCH.. (my poor hubby) I went home this last weekend and realized I AM SO BLESSED. I love my family.. I love how my sisters are always there for me.. my brother in laws always making me laugh (especially on long family shopping trips to sams club) my neices and nephews and how loved they make me feel. My daddy for always making everything okay, and my mommy for helping me find the joy in life. And my sweet husband for listening to me complain, hugging me when I cry, and helping me feel happy and healthy :) Every year for christmas we do a "secret santa" for another family.. this year we are doing it for a family that is especially in need.. I am so grateful for that example my family has made for me. The example of giving back. I remember one year while I was still in High School I drove to Pocatello with a friend to deliver our gifts to our 'secret santa family'. We were dressed as santa and an elf.. we knocked on the door.. the dad answered. "Hi! Were santa's helpers.. weve come to bring you Christmas!" We entered into the house, a TINY one bedroom box, with no carpet, no furniture, cement floor, with a tiny space heater in the corner, and a red rug. The wife was holding her tiny newborn baby in her arms as she sat crossleg on the floor. She looked up, saw us with the gifts in our arms and started BALWING. She cried the entire time we carried in gifts. She couldn't even say thank you as the couple hugged us and cried. I will never forget that feeling as I left that house. The spirit was there.. Just recalling the story makes my heart happy.. I challenge us all to do something that will make your "heart happy" this Christmas Season. Merry Christmas Everyone! I love you all! xoxoxo

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