January 09, 2010


This was Mark and I's first Christmas together, it was FABULOUS. Im sooo lucky to have him! This year we went to Mark's parents house in Spokane. They were so nice! Its great to have family that you love to spend the Holidays with. Here are a few pictures of the last month!
Rizzo in her Rodoulph outfit my mommy got her :) Our 'new and improved' Christmas Tree
Every year at my house the Elves leave christmas pj's on our beds.. but at Marks house Marks grandma makes PJ's and gives them to everyone to open on Christmas eve.. Its really fun to have new traditions.. here are our PJ's
Rizzo LOVED her chew toy... thanks mom
I made Mark a Cardinals Blanket.. He liked it
McCall and I made Cookies for Santa :)
Marks mom makes everyone stockings.. she made me one.. can you guess what one it is? Cute eh?
(it was the crown one.. for all of you who couldn't figure it out) We got Rizz some diapers to wear while she was there. Because.. as hard as we try.. she PEES everywhere when new people walk into the room.. she gets WAY to excited about life. They were life savers.. dosen't she look funny?
We had such a great Christmas- I hope you all did too! Posts about New Years coming soon :)

1 comment:

Did I mention i LOVE comments? Thanks!! :)