So.. when I decided to change the theme of my blog I considered two themes.. obviously 'A Little More' in which we would post about how we are doing more in our lives to learn laugh grow and be. The other topic was "LOVE" in which I wanted to post about everything i LOVED in life.. Because for those of you who know me, Im a pretty passionate person! I try a new good food and i LOVE it... a new movie.. LOVE IT... a have about a billion 'most favorite' things.. everything is fabulous and there is alot of things i LOVE ( i think thats why mark loves me so much.. I have ALOT of love :) SOO.. In light of that I've decided to make these 'LOVE LETTERS' to things Im LOVING at the moment.. Here is my first one!
-Dear NEW APARTMENT, I love you so much! Thank you for being warm.. and having hot water that lasts for a long time.. and
for being big enough for me to actually move around in. Your so much cuter than our walla walla shoe
-Dear Pinnacle Security ,
thanks for giving me such an awesome job! I love this building and all the nice people that work here.
Love love love it.
Im home! I love you. Enough said
-Dear Rizzo,
Thanks for being the best dog I've ever had. I've enjoyed our short time together very very much!
Thanks for making me laugh, and keeping my feet warm, and making me feel so so loved. (its my last
day with her today) :(
-Dear Natalie Barker,
Thank you for being my friend! and for driving from 6:30 p.m all through the night to 7:15 a.m. to get
me safe and sound to my home. Your the best and i LOVE you girly.
-Dear Mark,
thank you for driving 8 hours JUST to deliver my jewlery box and clothes. Im LOVING you alot r
right now :)
What are you loving right now? Email me your 'love letter' to

Super cute idea I think lOVE fits you xo