I have ALOT OF THINGS! I have 53 Pairs of Shoes. 31 Pairs of Jeans. (Thats Wayyy To much) A ridiculous amount of shirts & tanks & cardigans and sweaters. (Especially after working at Walla Walla Clothing Company) I have slight addiction to buying things. I've been very blessed with the parents I have. They never made me get a job. They never made me buy my own things.. and I've never gone without. (Thanks mom and dad!) BUT.. As great and glamorous as that sounds (let me tell u.. it WAS glamorous) in a small way It was VERY BAD

This isnt even HALF the clothes I have.. That is all that would fit to hang. I cant even bring myself to take a picture of all my clothes.. Its out of control.
Not for lack of trying by my parents... I dont know the First thing about the 'B' word. (Budget) the 'b' word is a bad word in my house... Mark and I finally got to a point that we realized I was out of control. So we sat down yesterday with our friend who happens to help people do the 'B' word. We figured one out and Im actually pretty excited about it... So almost as if the heavens aligned and today I ran across this blog. She is doing this challenge:
Now.. I CAN NOT do that. Go an ENTIRE YEAR? Im not so sure.. So I decided to re-vamp it.
From April 1st - October 1st
Im going to go 6 months without buying ANYTHING NEW for my closet or my home. (only handcrafted or secondhand)
Im going to have to get creative and make new things.. and reuse what I have..
We just moved and I think I use the excuse "Im just starting out.. I need to buy new stuff for my house!.. We dont have one of those yet.. Im sure everyone has one of those! O my new home will be complete once I have one of those.." Well my excuses are DONE! Im not much of a 'secondhand shopper' BUT I do love making new things. My sisters and some friends get together once a week and re-purpouse clothes. We make cute broaches out of ribbon and old fabric.. we make headbands and make average shirts look like they came from JCREW! (Pictures to come) Its really fun.. and I have a feeling that Im going to have to MAKE alot of things to fulfill my deep desire to have new clothes. As we saw.. I have WAY TOO MUCH! This is going to be a CHALLENGE. But Im up for it. Hopefully it will help me save some cash!!
Anybody else up for the challenge?
Oh Jaym! If you can do this I will be VERY VERY impressed. :) I'm not sure if I could! haha GOOD LUCK my friend!!
ReplyDeleteYou can totally do this! I will do it with you until May 31. That's when I'll be in L.A. and may need to buy a thing or two for work or new home. ;) But hey! That's more than two months with me!
ReplyDeleteWow! That is a challenge! I don't know if I could do it! But if you ever decide to sell some clothes, call me up! haha!
ReplyDeleteI'm not up for the challenge but I do volunteer your Mother to join you....after all you did get that shopping gene from me...Mine is a thrifty shopping gene...you have taken to a new level!!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great idea ....I know you can do it.
Love ya Dad
j- i can relate to many of your feelings of "wanting new things...needing new things" and after moving a few times and having storage after storage ive realized we can live on much more than we think. my philosphy is that if you havent used it in six months....someone out there could probably COULD use it. i realized this last summer when i had 6 FULL bins of baby girl clothes stored in my basement...hoping that "seasons would match up" and "oh remember when she wore this, i cant get rid of it" and something clicked inside and i realized there are lots of people that dont have any cute little baby clothes and thus began my quest to simplify and accumulate less (of course i kept a few memorable outfits but felt SO great giving them to someone i knew, who did need them)...it has transformed many areas of my attitude and outlook on life...alot of people told me i should sell the clothes or this and that which i am getting rid of but finding someone who needs it, is the best part (last month i realized i had 8 extra make-up kit bags...the girls and i filled them up with goodies from the $1 store and took them to a local girls shleter!), i read an amazing talk from a women's conference a few years ago about keeping christmas with us all year and it talked about when december comes around...we always finds ourselves giving more and doing more but it pointed out, who is there for the single mom in august when she needs a case of peanut butter and why arent we better neighbors in april...just in decmember? so this year i decided that each month i would do something to keep the spirit of christmas with me...its been an adventure already, im excited for your quest and wish you the best of luck, ill be checking back in on you!!! rock our your thriftiness! *cami
ReplyDeletesure Jaymie sign me up! Besides I do need a new pair of shoes...just that one exception! We really don't have money to spend on things like that, but sometimes there is a little money and it goes to something we usually just "want". Hopefully this will keep my mind on the "B" word!
ReplyDeleteUm... you should invite me to come over and make cute broaches and headbands! That would be so fun! I have made a couple headbands but am always on the look for new ideas!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally thought the same thing! I saw ya'll and I was like I know them, they were in my singles ward! I actually think I got engaged the winter after ya'll got married. Last March, and then we got married this past June! I don't remember exactly when it was, but I've been really sick for the past few weeks and I could've also just thought, ya know, I feel crappy, if tey don't know it's me that's okay ;) Anyways! I love your lastest blog post! I understand your crave to shop. I'm the same way, my cure for it is just not going into the stores. I don't let myself go into any clothing shops... it's too tempting.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea!! Starting in 2010 my hubby and I have been trying to only use CASH! and we have envelopes with different labels, so its like a little budgeter! Its hard to cut out debit cards and credit cards though!! But we have saved alot more!