Bear Lake '09 was a BLAST! I love my family so much. And Im really gratefull for our tradition of going to our condo every year. I have only missed one summer in 21 years! I LOVE MY FAMILY!
me and misty on the boat
mark playing mini golf at the best mini golf place ever!
we were each in charge of a game night mine was jeopardy.. i did random facts about every member of our family, it was fun to look back on all the funny/stupid/crazy stuff we've done. (I stole the idea from the very creative Cami Kesler :) thanks cami! ) We did lots of other fun activities too.. it was the best week.
we got to go to pickleville playhouse and watch one of my best friends star in annie get your gun! we go to pickleville every year.. it was fun!

Bear Lake is Great! Wish I was there now!