I know I know.. Im a terrible poster these days.. Ive been CRAZY busy with work! But.. here's a quick catch up..
- HOLY COW! I cant even begin to say how much I appreciated her coming! She brought me canned food, she froze a bunch of meals for mark and I to be able to just grab out of the freezer and eat. ( since I started working I do NOT feel like cooking.. wait, Ive never felt like cooking.. anyways...) She also cleaned my house, hung my mirror clock pictures and shelves, bougt me TONS of adorable stuff from target and bbb to make my house here, feel and LOOK like HOME. Its beautiful.. orange and red and animal print.. just what Ive always wanted! Ha.. (pictures to come soon) She also payed for me to get my hair done.. which brings me to my next update.
- YES! I finally feel like my old self again! Im sorry, but BLONDES REALLY DO HAVE MORE FUN. I dont care who you are (except for maybe megan fox) blonde is better. I get WAY more attention as a blonde.. haha. I might sound shallow but its TRUE! I love being blonde and LONG again! here is a couple pictures of me and rizzo... (not the greatest pics, taken by me, in the dark.. but they work.) Im so happy to be me again. THANKS MOM!!!!

- Its my birthday soon.. and Im so excited. i LOVE birthdays! ... Thats not really relevant to this post, but I thought I'd throw it in there.
- We took rizz to the dog park.. and have some other pics that we need to post but my camera DIED today while we were at the dog park and its sunday and I cant go buy batteries.. so as soon as I get to the store, I'll post some more pics.. but for now, here is another web cam photo of the family to prove that WE ARE ALIVE!!! :) 

Congratulations on being blonde again! And more importantly, feeling like yourself again! Just for the record...your beautiful any color of hair you have!