June 05, 2011

Tender Mercy!

I've really been missing my family out here in AZ this summer... It happens to me every year, I get in this rut. Mark is out knocking all day, I feel useless and alone, and get a little depressed.... Just as I thought I would die of loneliness and "pentelute depravation", the Lord sent me a sweet tender mercy! On saturday I heard Mark leave for his morning meeting, and then a few minutes later, the door opened and he came back in... maybe he left his ipad or something... I kept my eyes closed, trying to fall back asleep, (it was only 8:30, I had a few more hours of sleeping in to do!) When I heard, "WAKE UP! Lets go swimming!" It was my sister Trista... I couldn't believe it! She had flown in all the way from Idaho just to see me. It was seriously one of the best weekends of my life, we rented a cabana at the pool, layed out, drank Pina Colada's all day, ate chips and salsa, went SHOPPING.. and spent WAY too much money. and just spent quality girl time together. I am SO GRATEFUL that she came to visit me.. It was just what I needed! 


  1. Did youknow that i love you? and wish we could spend our summers together! you look hot!

  2. What part of AZ are you living in? I'm super jealous! I want to go back so bad!! So glad your sister was able to come visit! Being away from family makes you so much more grateful when you do get to spend time together!


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